Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Surgery Was A Success
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Can't Wait To Eat Wheat!
Now, here's the real kicker. They did a skin test on him to see what he is actually allergic to. They tested him by poking him with tiny little instruments (not needles) for several foods and a few other things. He did great and in the end, the only food that he tested positive for was cow's milk. Wheat, peanut and soy were all negative. He also tested positive for the grass mix and for dust mites, but the dust mites were a weaker positive. We are very excited because this opens so many food possibilities for Caden. We have already been telling him about being able to eat wheat. We are trying to wait to till his skin clears up completely, just to see if he has a reaction to it, but we have already given in a couple times. And for the record, his skin has not reacted adversely yet. So that is the good news regarding Caden.
And here are a couple funnies from the last week: I mentioned that we have given Caden wheat a couple times already. One of those times was yesterday. We took the kids to Wendy's (their choice) because Tyler and Bailey got good report cards. We let Caden get chicken nuggets. As he started to eat them, we told him he was eating eat. He asked, "Where?' So we told him about the nuggets. After we were all done with the meal Carol asked Caden if he liked the chicken nuggets. He replied: "Yeah. I love wheat."
I was doing a minor repair on our outdoor play set and had Ammon in the swing, cuz Carol was vacuuming the van. I asked Bailey to watch Ammon for a second while I went to the garage for another drill bit. We hadn't asked her to, but she had the push broom and was doing some sweeping. I got sidetracked when I realized I needed to switch the laundry and later, from a phone call. When I finally got back I told Bailey I was sorry for taking so long. She said as she walked off: "That's OK. More playing with Ammon, and less brooming."
The kids take turns riding home from church with me, if I don't have to stay after late. Last week, it was Trevin's turn and it was a hilarious ride. I can't really recap it here, because you kind of had to be there, but I'll try a little bit. As we passed by a car who was going to be turing onto the road we were on, Trevin said: "Ha ha, that car had to wait for us." Later he was saying how he wished the rain would go away and rain on everyone in other states, and then he added in a sinister tone: "That would be funny." I told him that we need some rain, but he assured me that we could just water everything with the hose. He was also keeping track of the traffic both in front of us and behind us. At one point he said: "There are no cars behind us." I said: "Nope, there aren't any cars behind us, but there are some boogers." He simply replied in an "oh please, come on, grow up" kind of tone: "Dad."
And here's a shot of Ammon taking a stand. Not quite walking, but he's close.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
That's A Lousy Knuckleball!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Happy Birthday, Boys!
In other news, both Tyler and Trevin will be having surgery on June 30th. Tyler will have his adenoid taken out, just like Caden did a couple months ago. Trevin has an enlarged lymph node in his neck that will be removed so they can do biopsy on it. We’re obviously praying that it will be nothing.
Work has changed a little for me recently. I still do the same job, but actually work a couple hours less a week. However, I now work for another shipping company besides FedEx, and actually get paid by two companies to do the same job. It’s all on the up and up, and really an amazing blessing how it all worked out. And, it even has the potential to get better real soon. I’ll keep you posted. Well that’s about all folks, but don’t forget the photos & funnies:
We recently joined Netflix and we were watching one of my favorites as a kid, Pee Wee’s Big Adventure. The movie was almost over and Trevin said to Carol in all sincerity: “I’m really enjoying this movie.”
We were at the kids’ baseball practice and Caden asked Carol, regarding Ammon’s sippy cup: “Is it orange juice?” Carol told him it was apple juice. He then asked if he could have a drink, but Carol told him “no.” He then replied: “Why? Is it gonna kill me?”
Trevin got down from the table without finishing his breakfast and said he was full. He was actually just distracted by me blowing up the pool. I told him to get back up and finish or he wasn’t going to do anything else until he did. I added, “You’re not full.” He replied: “I’m serious. My tummy is so full. I think I need to be on The Biggest Loser.”
Caden was using the facilities and he was taking a long time. I mean a really long time. So after asking him many times if he was done, he finally said yes. I then said, “So you’re finally done, huh?” he replied, no joke: “Yeah, with you.” I said: “Heeeeey”, and then he let out a real ha ha ha ha type of laugh.
We have been making Trevin write the alphabet, as well his full name, twice a day for several months now. He has to do them before he gets to play the Wii and watch any videos or baseball highlights. So he was working on them the other day and said: “Oh, that would be a great ‘L’…if ‘L’ were next to ‘B.’”
I was up in the attic and Trevin decided to go out in the garage and keep me company. He was climbing all over my truck and when I got down for a second I noticed he had no shoes on. I said something to him about it and he said: “So, I don’t care. I’m the king. I’m the king of the Jungle.”
When Caden has his surgery, he had a nurse who’s name was Bambi. So the other day we were talking about the boys’ upcoming surgery, and Trevin said he wanted to have nurse Bambi when he had his surgery. However, we told him that he and Tyler would be going to a different hospital, so he wouldn’t get Bambi. Then Caden chimed in and said in a sympathetic, but “be tough” kind of tone: “It’s OK, Trevin. You’ll be fine.”
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Oh Yeah, My Blog
Carol was at Wal-Mart with the three younger boys and her mom. They passed by the lingerie section and it was close to a rack with several bras. Caden, who was walking hand-in-hand with grandma, pointed and said to her: “Hey, that’s what my mom uses.”
Caden and I were talking on a Monday morning about his experience in nursery the day before. It is divided into two classes (older and younger). Caden just started going a few months ago so he stays on the younger side, which is where the not-so-happy-to-be-in-nursery kids go. He was telling me that there were no boys in his class. I told him he could go to the other side and that there were boys in that one. He said, “no, they bother me.”
Then, in the same conversation, I told him that next year he would go to primary and be in the Sunbeams. He replied: “Yeah, but I can’t sit in the chair all day long.”
I was walking out of the kids room after putting them to bed and Trevin said: “Dad, I can’t wait till tomorrow.” I asked him: “Why, because you get to go to preschool?” he replied: “No, cuz they’re getting hair cuts on Biggest Loser.” Like Christmas all over again.
We saw the very end of an episode of The Amazing Race and they were in China. The tallest man in the world was there to greet the contestants. I told the kids of his status. The next night while lying in bed, Trevin says: “Tyler, that guy is the tallest guy on the earth?” Tyler replied: “Yep, I think so.” Trevin then asked: “Even taller than Bishop?” Tyler: “Yep.” Trevin then said: “Wow.”
Trevin said to Carol the other day: “I need to do your hair.” Carol asked: “What are you going to do?” He replied: “I’m going to do amazing things to your hair.” After both laughed a few seconds, Trevin then said, “Now, that’s a blogger.”
We had the missionaries over for dinner and Bailey, who has been learning about bugs at school, shared some rather interesting, but not so realistic “facts” about spiders; which she claimed she read in a book in the non-fiction section. Carol and I tried to correct her, then after everyone had put in their two cents, Trevin shook his head smiling and said in a very adult, “are you serious” kind of tone: “Wow Bailey, Wow.”