Wednesday, July 7, 2010

That's What We Wanted To Hear

We got the call we've been waiting for, today. The results came back on Trevin's lymph node and everything came back benign. We are grateful to al those who offered prayers in his behalf. We told him the news, and he just shined up a big smile. So, now he will have a cool scare on the back of his neck, which hopefully fades over time. And I guess since I'm on here, I'll add a couple funnies from the past week. Enjoy!
Caden is really into having wheat. He and the three older kids were playing at some friends’ house (the Balch’s) and when the topic of having a snack came up, he kept insisting he wanted wheat. So when Carol got there to pick them up, Pam asked her what Caden was saying. Carol explained the whole story, so Pam offered him some graham crackers. He was sitting next to Jerry, who is 9, and after taking a couple of bites, he held the cracker up to him and said in tone like “you guys aren’t trying to pull one over on me”: “This has wheat, right?”

The three older kids were watching fireworks out the window on July 3 and we were talking about the ones they like and dislike. Bailey said: “I don’t like the ones that fly up in the air and go eeeeerrrrrrr.” Trevin then poignantly said: “That’s basically the point of fireworks.”

OK, this one is not from one of my kids, but it was very funny. I went to Cub Camp with Tyler the first day, and as we were taking the tour of camp, a couple Cubs from another pack were at one of the many outhouses. As one of them prepared to enter, he handed his backpack to his “buddy” and said: “Here; you hold this…in case I die.” And believe me; I smelled that outhouse and he had good reason to be scared.

We were discussing Cub Camp at home because Tyler was complaining about the things his siblings got to do while he was gone. I began to list all the things he had done, in just the first two days, and then I mentioned the never-ending annoying songs by the Staff. I said, they just didn’t quit, I wanted to stand up and yell: “shuuuuuut up!” The kids were kind of surprised cuz I don’t say that. Then Bailey shouts right behind me: “Dad, you just said a bad word. You repent right now!”


Steph said...

Hooray for Trevin! I'm glad everything turned out okay.

Ging said...

Good good news. We are happy to hear it. Negative is sometimes good. Did you repent?

Deon said...

So glad to hear. Daniel wants to know if he saved the node in a bottle?