On Saturday, we wad a BBQ at Carol’s parents with them, and her Brother Chul and his two teenage boys who are still at home. The kids enjoyed playing with their older cousins and I think they (Brian and David) liked playing with their younger cousins, too.
This past week, those same neighbors, the Collins, graciously invited us to come down and pick raspberries from their bushes. Carol and the kids love the little red devils, so we all went over after a trip to the park, and picked an entire flat. Too bad I don’t like them. But I still helped, anyways. So after a while the adults got to talking, and the kids, as kids do, kind of got bored, so they decided to start entertaining themselves. The sprinklers were on, and by the time we left, the three older ones were drenched. I walked home with them, and when we got here, I stripped them down to their underwear and sent them inside to get dried off and changed. I grabbed Caden and set him on the bathroom counter to wash his feet, because they were filthy. Carol was feeding Ammon, and I was trying to do several other things at once. I left the bathroom and when I returned a couple minutes later, this is what I found.
He had underwear on when I sent him in there, but I guess he felt like right then was as good a time as any to try his hand at being a nudist. It was quite a funny site to see him washing his and his brother’s feet, and the sink was completely full of bubbles. Caden just sat there and let him scrub. There was actually a funnier picture than this one, but it wasn’t quite as discreet, so I had to go with this one for Trevin’s sake. Ahh, good times.
The next day, the Tyler and Bailey started their baseball seasons. Bailey is doing coach pitch and Tyler is doing machine pitch.
Bailey has always had her weather patterns a little mixed up. When she was three or four, it was January and it had actually snowed a little bit that particular day, but she was running around the house in her bathing suit. More recently, she has been in pants and a long sleeve shirt on 75-80 degree days. So the other day she had a little jacket on and I said, Bailey what are you wearing that for? She said “it’s cold.” I said “No it’s not. Who said it was cold?” She replied: “The weather.”
I think we’re about to have a new blog star on the way, as Caden is getting more funny all the time. He is so talkative and says many things you would never expect from a 2-year-old. The other day he was on the potty, as I am trying to get him trained, quite unsuccessfully, I must add. Anyways, I was using the old “are you a baby or a big boy” line with him, and he said no. I re-explained myself, asking “you’re not a baby?” He said no. I then asked “are you a big boy?” he answered: “I guy.” I said “you’re a guy?” “Yeah,” came the response. So I tried again with my line of questioning, but before I got to the second part, he interrupted me, and said in a tone of --Dad, did you not hear me the first time--: “I just guy.”
We were on our way home from church, and out of nowhere Caden says laughing: “Bailey is pee pee.” Carol said: “Caden, that’s not nice.” He then said in a somewhat repentant voice: “Bailey not pee pee.”
So we were reading in 2 Nephi, the Isaiah chapters, 15:4 to be exact, which says: “What could have been done more to my vineyard that I have not done in it? Wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes it brought forth wild grapes.” Bailey burst out: “Wild Grapes?!!!! Grapes can’t run around and go wild and crazy.”
As the fireworks were going off on July third, the kids were kind of getting both scared and excited at the same time. They kept asking each other: “Did you see that one?” or “did you hear that one?” Bailey asked Tyler again, and he said: “No, I turned them off.” Carol asked: “You turned what off?” He replied: “My ears.”
Ammon was in his bassinette and doing one of the things babies do best; crying. Bailey, apparently not enjoying his singing, declared: “We didn’t ask for this. Why couldn’t we just have a girl?”
Let's Party!
They are their brother's keeper...
Big sister doing her motherly thing. What a gift!
BAAHAHAHAHAH man your kids are funny. I can't wait to see them!
Thanks for the up-dates and funnies. I love the picture of Ammon asleep in his carrier- there is a circle over his head that looks just like a halo- how fitting! Ellie says "Hi Bailey, my Livingston cousin."
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